Victor Bow – Neck Pain and Rotator Cuff Trouble I’m retired a couple years from owning a Bed & Breakfast in Portrush. In and around that time I was getting a pain around my right shoulder. It started off with pain around the shoulder then the pain spread...
Too many people are being led to believe that their headache or migraine is caused by stress or in relation to anxiety or depression People who are worst affected by headache and migraine are most often at risk of being given this label. We have had clients come to us...
Headaches can come on for numerous reasons. Stress, fatigue, posture, alcohol, dehydration, certain foods high in nitrates, caffeine, infections, prolonged time in front of a screen and high blood pressure are all common factors which contribute to headaches. BUT...
Knee osteoarthritis – what is it and what should I do about it? Osteoarthritis is defined as “degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone, most common from middle age onward”. You may have had an x ray and been told you have “wear and tear”, “no cartilage...
When is pain OK??! “No pain, no gain” is the stoic attitude of some of our patients, many people coming in with the belief that physio “has to hurt” to get better. There may be an element of truth in this but some people take it to the extreme and make themselves so...