Should I change my running shoes? I have treated numerous people in clinic with running injuries who have spent hundreds of pounds on running shoes and insoles. People often make big changes to their footwear after injuries, gait analysis, and advice from friends,...
Should I change my running style? Like everything in humans, the way we run naturally varies vastly from person to person. Some people will naturally put their heel down first (heel strike runners), and some will habitually plant the ball of their foot first (forefoot...
Plantar fasciitis – sharp, annoying, limiting stabbing pain in your heel – a very common and debilitating running injury. This condition can limit your running, walking and day-to-day life. What is it, what causes it and what can I do about it?! Find out the...
Too many people are being led to believe that their headache or migraine is caused by stress or in relation to anxiety or depression People who are worst affected by headache and migraine are most often at risk of being given this label. We have had clients come to us...
Headaches can come on for numerous reasons. Stress, fatigue, posture, alcohol, dehydration, certain foods high in nitrates, caffeine, infections, prolonged time in front of a screen and high blood pressure are all common factors which contribute to headaches. BUT...
Knee osteoarthritis – what is it and what should I do about it? Osteoarthritis is defined as “degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone, most common from middle age onward”. You may have had an x ray and been told you have “wear and tear”, “no cartilage...